Superstars Student Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in signing up to our online platform.
All students’ lessons are paid for in advance on the 1st of each month, and payments will be taken automatically on this date to ensure the reservation of your lesson slot.
For example, a student with 5 group lessons @ £10.00/lesson during January will be billed £50.00 on 1st January.
For the same student with only 3 lessons booked @ £10.00/lesson in February, the total charge on 1st February will be £30.00.
One-to-One Lessons can be cancelled or postponed free of charge by contacting your tutor at any time, though this is only possible with more than 24 hours notice from the lesson itself otherwise the full amount of the lesson will be forfeited.
Our Group Lessons have a set structure and will go ahead regardless of attendance. The group lessons operate only during term time (unless otherwise agreed), so therefore are unable to be cancelled regardless of notice period – which means any missed lessons will still be charged.
Please see our full Terms and Conditions below before signing up, and we look forward to performing with you soon!
Jess and Sophie x
Terms and Conditions – effective from 01/03/2022
We reserve the right to revise and amend these terms & conditions from time to time and we will give you prior notice of any changes to our terms and conditions.
Lessons are charged for on a monthly and pre-paid basis using the credit/debit card you have on file. A payment is taken on the 1st of the month for the total amount of lessons booked in that month. If you take 1 lesson per week, the majority of months will have 4 lessons in them, however, longer months will have 5 lessons in them, and some will have less during any holiday closures that are in place.
One to One Lessons – You must provide 24 hours’ notice to cancel a lesson. Lessons cancelled within the 24 hour period will be forfeited and no refunds or lesson credits will be given. For any lessons cancelled with 24 hours’ notice, a credit will be added to your account which will be deducted in the following month’s payment, though no refunds can be given once payment has already been processed.
Group Lessons – All group lessons must be paid for and no refunds will be given for cancellations regardless of notice given. As they are all small groups of 7 or less, we require all ‘band’ and ‘group’ students to be as dedicated as possible.
Occasionally, your tutor may be required to cancel a lesson due to sickness or emergency. They will give you as much notice of this as is reasonably possible. If your tutor has scheduled a day off, they will attempt to provide a cover tutor of equivalent standard in their place. If your tutor is unable to provide a cover tutor, you will be given a credit added to your account which will be deducted from your payment on the following month.
You can cancel all future lessons at any time by emailing
Please note: All tuition fees are non-refundable (any cancelled solo lessons can only be redeemed as lesson credit for later use). For this reason, we advise cancelling your lessons at the end of the month as payments are taken on a monthly recurring basis on the 1st of each month.
ie. Cancelling April’s lessons is recommended by 23:59 on March 30th to allow sufficient time to cancel your scheduled payment on 1st April. Any payments made on April 1st would otherwise be non refundable, and can only be used as lesson credit
Any seasonal holiday closures will be issued by email when dates are agreed upon, and no lesson fees will be charged for this period.
Visitors to the studio are responsible for ensuring that no equipment or property is damaged, lost or stolen as a direct or indirect result of their own action or failure to act appropriately.
In the event that any Superstars equipment or property is damaged, lost or stolen as a direct or indirect result of negligent action or failure to act appropriately by any visitor, the visitor agrees to pay all reasonable costs in full (including without limitation for replacement or reparation). For the avoidance of doubt, no Superstars property may be removed from the premises without the express prior consent of Jessica Steele’s Superstars in each case.
Jessica Steele’s Superstars accepts no responsibility to damage or theft of personal belongings and/or vehicles.